Resources for group meet-ups and discussions!

All Whitestone Resources are designed to equip individuals and groups alike.


Of course, there is unique iron-sharpening that can come from group contexts!


The Whitestone Forum does not have officially-endorsed groups. We encourage you to “own your equipping” — convene your own group at work, at home, or at church!

Starting a group is hassle-free with:


  • Kick-start resources

  • “Application & Action” printouts for each meet-up

As always, all resources are free!


Get started below!

Start Here: Kick-Start Resources


Printout Resources for Group Meet-ups


Each Seminar is accompanied by a “Seminar Notepad”. Take notes via laptop, tablet, or hard-copy printout, and dive deeper with Application & Action questions!

Lasting Greatness – Seminar Notepad
Lasting Greatness – Seminar Notepad (“Application & Action” Only)
Lasting Greatness – Seminar Notepad (Core Content Only)
Match Made – Seminar Notepad
Match Made – Seminar Notepad (“Application & Action” Only)
Match Made – Seminar Notepad (Core Content Only)

Each download below includes an episode transcript, as well as Application & Action questions for group meet-ups!

250Abraham #20 – Choosing to Live Out Your Identity
249Strategy #2 – Shakeability, Failures, Redemption
248Marketing #19 Differentiation: A Better Covenant
247Do You Care What Others Think?
246Finance Focus #31 – Making a Federal Case Out of It
245About Steven Edwards
244Research-Wisdom-Action #26 – Mind the Gaps: Beliefs to Emphases to Practices
243Supply Chain #19 – The Providence of Intertwining Supply Chains
242Abraham #19 – Faith and Unfilled Expectations or Requests
241Strategy #1 God’s Strategy of His Unshakeable Kingdom
240Marketing #18 – Paul: “Delivered as of First Importance”
239Stewardship Single-Mindedness
238Finance Focus #30 – Certainty and Uncertainties
237About Stewart Hagestad 
236Research-Wisdom-Action #25 – The Promise & Perils of Benchmarking Individuals
235Kingdom-Minded – Fox and Hedgehog
234Abraham #18 – You’ve Got to Be Yoking
233Supply Chain #18 – Building Real Reliability in Your Supply Chain
232Marketing #17 – Getting in the Flow of Mass Customization
231Being Centered on Others – Its Privilege and Power
230Finance Focus #29 The Legacy of Unseen Compounding
229Sowing and Reaping
228Research-Wisdom-Action #24 – The Promise & Perils of Benchmarking Companies
227About Herb Kelleher
226Every Generation Chooses
225Supply Chain #17 – The 3C Secret to Truly Sustainable Success
224Marketing #16 – Supercharged Mass Customization
223A Rolling 10,000-Hours Strategy
222Finance Focus #28 Triumph – Inheritance Bestowed & Rewards Tallied
221God’s Genius of Our Laboring in Obscurity
220Research-Wisdom-Action #23 – Research, Me-search, We-search, He-search
219About Thomas Sowell
218Abraham #16 – Kingdoms, the Kingdom, and 21st Century Believers
217Supply Chain #16 – The Morality of Supply Chains: Let Freedom Ring!
216Marketing #15 The Promise and Perils of a Global Brand
215In This Era of Warp-Speed Change…
214Finance Focus #27 – Fed Up with the Fed?
213You Don’t Wanna Break into That Jail!
212Research-Wisdom-Action #22 – The Pareto Principle of 80/20
211About Barnabas
210Abraham #15 – An Inspired Inheritance
209Supply Chain #15 – Supply Chain Miracle
208Marketing #14 The Crucial Scalability of Your Enterprise
207Go Risk Well!
206Finance Focus #26 – Personal Diversification in the Modern Era
205Connecting with Our Master Teacher
204Research-Wisdom-Action #21 – Navigating Conflicting Mindsets
203About Michael Milken
202Abraham #14- The Great Human Theory
201Supply Chain #14 – The Greatest Supply Chain Shift in History
200Marketing #13: The Pirate Model
199Every Christian’s Reachable Life of Greatness
198Finance Focus #25 – Widespread Prosperity: The Essential Ingredient
197The Fascinating Morality of Your Daily Work
196Research-Wisdom-Action #20 – Action is Research
195About Carl Yankowski
194Abraham #13 – A Circumcised Heart in the Workplace
193Supply Chain #13 – Drying Some Beaks in Your Supply Chain
192Marketing #12 – 21st-Century One-to-One Connections
191Great Personal Pivots
190Finance Focus #24 – The Accretive Love of Neighborly Transactions
189Great Enterprise Pivots
188Research-Wisdom-Action #19 – Facts Taken on Trust: Muggeridge vs. Duranty
187About Winston Churchill
186Abraham #12 – You Can Be Like Abraham
185Supply Chain #12 – The Tip of the Iceberg
184Marketing #11 – The Most Famous Logos in the World
183Overarching Purpose Embedded in Our Purposes
182Finance Focus #23 – Flattened Financial Democracy
181Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast
180Research-Wisdom-Action #18 – The Seven P’s of Wisdom
179Believe It To See It
178Abraham #11 – The Ayes Have It
177Puttering Around or Pottering for Greatness
176Marketing #10 – Content Marketing
175About Paul Schneider
174Finance Focus #22 – Walmart’s Pricing: Fans and Critics
173Workhorse vs. Racehorse
172Research-Wisdom-Action #17 – What Do the Experts Say?
171Continental Divides and Closed Basins
170Abraham #10 – The Vertical Anchors the Horizontal
169Supply Chain – The Silk Road and the Digital World
168Marketing #9 – The Crucial Role of Network Nodes
167About Ralph Peer
166Finance Focus #21 – Increase
164Research-Wisdom-Action #16 – Lake Wobegon vs. Antioch
163Walmart Does Free-Markets Capitalism Proud, Again
162Abraham #9 – Walking with God, No Matter the Century
161Supply Chain – Expanding Markets: SOM, SAM, and TAM
160Marketing #8 – Bundling
159About Ralph Carr
158Finance Focus #20 – God’s Reigning When It’s Raining
157Appointment to Ambassador
156Research-Wisdom-Action #15 – The Key Hazards of Generalists and Specialists
155Storytelling and “Happily Ever After”
154Abraham #8 – A Righteous Christian Nation?
153Supply Chain – Invisible Hand
152Marketing #7 – Influencer Marketing & FRED
151About Adam Smith
150Finance Focus #19 – An Unwelcome Partner? Inflation & U.S. Debt
149Consistent Joy for Analyticals and Achievers
148Research-Wisdom-Action #14 – Sherlock Holmes & Curious Incidents
147Stored Procedures & the Kingdom of God
146Abraham #7 – When Partnered with Faith-Fatigue
145Supply Chain – Labor Shortages
144Marketing #6 – Viral Marketing
143About Berry Gordy
142Finance Focus #18 – Five Finance Foundations for Every Believer
141The PPP Affliction and Its Remedy
140Research-Wisdom-Action #13 – A Tale of Two Playing Fields
139Love the People, Fix the Dysfunction
138Abraham #6 – The Pull Date on Patience
137This Changes Everything!
136Marketing #5 – Jesus and Brand
135About Ada Lovelace
134Finance Focus #17 – An Unwelcome Financial Partner? Income Taxes
133Supply Chain – The Vertical Must Serve the Horizontal
132Research-Wisdom-Action #12 – The Art and Practice of Unlearning
131Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin in 2020s America
130Abraham #5 – The Melchizedek Event
129Knowledge Worker: Past, Present, and Future
128Marketing #4 – Capital D Differentiation and Its Knockoffs
127About Harry Guggenheim
126Finance Focus #16 – Grandpa Bredo and Legacy
125Supply Chain – McLean’s Container World
124Research-Wisdom-Action #11 – Before Proceeding, You Must…
123Leadership Exists to Serve Stewardship
122Abraham #4 – A “Lot” of Troubles
121True and Untrue Mysteries, Solved
120Marketing #3 – The Marketing Mix
119About George Washington Carver
118Finance Focus #15 – Priced for Perfection
117Supply Chain Perpetual Reconfiguration of Infrastructure
116Research-Wisdom-Action #10 – “I Don’t Know”
115The Most Powerful Words Ever Spoken
114Abraham #3 – An Occupying Obedience
11321st Century Factors of Production
112Marketing #2 – The Crucial Foundation of Utilities
111About Wayne Gretzky
110Finance Focus #14 – Bootstrapping
109Supply Chain Cooperation
108Research-Wisdom-Action #9 – The Next 10,000 Hours
107The Hedgehog and the Fox
106Abraham #2 – Hearing Can Beget
105Risk Redefined
104Marketing #1 – Offerings That Have Value
103About Ross Perot
102Finance Focus #13 – IPO, Initial Public Offering
101Supply Chain Headlines
100Research-Wisdom-Action #8 – From Galileo to the Greeter
99Anchors and Seabeds
98Abraham #1 – The Preparatory Years
97Profit or Growth?
96John Boyd #11 – Linking to the Past
95Business vs Nonprofit – Six Key Facets
94Finance Focus #12 Stock Markets & Participatory Magic
93Are You on Offense or Defense?
92Research-Wisdom-Action #7 – Stop, Look, Listen
91What’d You Do After That?
90Daniel #12 – Astutely Avoiding Flawed Cornerstones
89The Moats of Kings, Buffet, and God
88John Boyd #10 – A Life Pattern of Standing in the Gap
87Your Key Obstacles Are Internal
86Finance Focus #11 The Deep Joy of Well-Executed Alignments
85Jesus and Product-Market Fit
84Research-Wisdom-Action #6 – Walter, Fanny, and the Bookmobile
83Leadership vs. Stewardship
82Daniel #11 – Linking to the Future
81Patient Urgency
80John Boyd #9 – Groundbreaking Influencer
79Opportunity Cost
78Finance Focus #10 Ownership
77Four Enablers of Widespread Prosperity
76Research-Wisdom-Action #5 – Receiving History and Living Out History
75Distinguishing Need vs. Demand
74Daniel #10 – Surfing the Biggest Waves
73Incompetence Torpedoes Stewardship
72John Boyd #8 – Who Do You Really Work For?
71Building on the Perfect Victory
70Finance Focus #9 Limited Liability
69Competition: Sports vs. Business
68Research-Wisdom-Action #4 – Nestings for Greatness
67Believe the Best, Expect the Worst
66Daniel #9 – Seek Reveal Speak
65Positioning with the Son
64John Boyd #7 – Bad Blockers
63The Forging of Our Character
62Finance Focus #8 Dotted Line vs. Bottom Line
61Is God a “Metrics” God?
60Research-Wisdom-Action #3 – The Ultimate Source
59Follow Your Passion
58Daniel #8 – Fearless Steadfastness
57Free Markets and the Pencil
56John Boyd #6 – Redesigning War
55Essential Three-Way Conversations
54Finance Focus #7 – The Time Value of Money
53Sweat the Right Stuff!
52Research-Wisdom-Action #2 – Keep His Commandments
51Days of Reckoning…or Rejoicing
50Daniel #7 – Unavoidable Enemies and Conflicts
49The Art of Storyhearing
48John Boyd #5 – Designing for Stewardship
47What’s Your NBA “Net Rating?”
45Mentoring and the Peter Principle
44Research-Wisdom-Action #1 – What Are You Pursuing First?
43How Big is Your Gospel?
42Daniel #6 – Response to Calamities
41John Boyd #4 – Being Relentlessly Curious to Completion
40Flat Organizations & The Telephone Game
39Spiritual Blindness in a Christian Leader
38Finance Focus #5 – The Three C’s of Money
37The Digital Disruption of Supply
36The Final Deadline for Many Newspapers
35Daniel #5 – Building Bankable Trust
34John Boyd #3 – iPhones, Software, and Fighter Jets
33The Pony and Romans 8:28
32The Criticality of The Only Accurate Autobiography
31Finance Focus #4: Debt Capital vs. Equity Capital
30Businesses and Nonprofits: Greed or Stewardship?
29The Incredible Opportunity of Leveraging Unused Capacity
28Daniel #4 – Relentlessly Faithful Dailiness
27The John Boyd Series – Part 2: The Art and Science of High Performance
26The Amazing Power of Superior Ownership Alignments
25Finance Focus #3: Your Optimal “Mix of Six” Factors of Production
24Cannibalizing in Your Organization
23Mentoring & Discipling #1 – The Selection of Strong Mentors
22The Mushrooming World of Disintermediation
21Daniel #3 – Lifetime Ambassador
20John Boyd #1 – Building Snowmobiles
19Differentiation, Backward and Forward!
18Finance Focus #2: Risk-Reward
17On Pursuing Fame
16Amazon, Walmart, A&P, and Your Enterprise
15The Vital Importance of Rightly Applying History
14Daniel #2 – Competence
13Boeing and Ethics Dimensions of Cutting-Edge Technology
12A Blockbuster Idea for a Netflix Movie
11Finance #1 – Is Your Use of Debt Good or Bad?
10The Evergreen Target of Being an Elite Knowledge Worker
9The Risks of Mt. Everest vs. Mars Hill
8Feeling Like Adam in Your Economics?
7Why Strong Leaders Devour Book Reviews
6Daniel #1 – Time and Place
5General Electric and Your Same Great Challenge
4Tariffs, the Chicken Tax, and Neighbors
3Uncertainty Creates Epic Opportunities
2Benchmarking to the Uniquely Best for Extraordinary Results
1Full-Time Ministry for Every Christian

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